Potomac 2019 sweepstakes
Judge: Tina Barks Bellwether
15 and under 18 months
1st Belquest Conclusion Gypsies Tramps & Thieves What a stunning Labrador. This girl was pulled for the final four for best in sweeps and with good reason. Such beautiful construction, good coat and pretty pleasing head. There is just so much to like about her. Showing and moving well.
The Labrador Retriever Club of The Potomac INC 2019
Judge : Jane Rawlinson Halshimoor
15 and under 18 months
1st Belquest Conclusion Gypsies Tramps and Thieves
Quality yellow. Very pleasing head with good length of muzzle. Good reach of neck leading into correctly placed shoulders. Nice short coupled body with good depth of chest. Strong level topline. Strong quarters with good turn of stifle. Move well with drive.